Saturday, December 26, 2009


I really want a new cover for my car seat. It is not old. It is not broken. I just want it to look more girly. I have been drooling over these on Etsy. I wanted to make one myself (they sell patterns), but my sewing machine has gone on strike. I can't even finish my tree skirt that is super cute. It won't even sew a straight stitch. Arrrg! So, for now I will keep wishing.
I love these colors.

Check it out Here

But I want it too look sassy and fitted like Here

1 comment:

Misty said...

JO- those are so so cute!!! I hope you can figure out your sewing machine so you can make one! Or of you want to order me the pattern and material I can try to sew it for you... :)neser