Friday, February 8, 2013

Today's Tidbit

Halfway through scraping the last spoonful of Nutella deliciousness into the last quarter cup of greek yogurt in the tub, I decide I should have used a bowl. Because, how am I going to lick the last of my tasty and (mostly) healthy snack out of the bottom of that tub? A spoon is just not going to cut it and I am not going to stoop to using my fingers. I will leave that to my two-year-old. Okay, she turns three on Monday. Anyway, she still uses her fingers to eat. A lot. We have discussed it. She agrees with me, she should be a Big Girl and use her spoon. She just wants to lick her fingers and so must use them. Okay, Mommieee? Hee-he! (cute smile, twinkle in her eye, head tilt)
I switch to a bowl, but lost at least a quarter of a teaspoon of chocolatey yogurt. ugh. I really should not take these things so seriously.
On another note, I should cut out sugar. It would probably help my lose-the-baby-weight diet. I just really like sugar. It makes me happy. Being fat does not make me happy, but sugar always does. Its a problem.
I kinda of fell off the no sugar, be healthy wagon this week. (I want to say weekend because that would be shorter than the whole week. Like I was only bad for a few days and not 5 or 6. But it is only Friday, the weekend just started. Dang.) I made cookie pie for Superbowl Sunday. It was made with beans, so I was trying to stay good. Then, I ran into clearance all natural chocolate covered candies (like M&M's) for a quarter. A Quarter! I went back and got every one. They are delicious. Oh me! They say all natural though, right? Yea...then I went mad and made a Chocoflan cake for Bunco night. It is GOOD. I still have half a bundt cake in my fridge. Drool. My prize from Bunco night was ice cream WITH chocolate syrup, whip cream AND sprinkles. I swear it is calling my name from the freezer. I can't eat it yet because I still have cookie pie and chocoflan cake left.
I really felt accomplished that I chose healthy (mostly) nutella greek yogurt for an after dinner snack.
Tomorrow I need to go grocery shopping for treats for Rome's classmates, and one for his party, and for snack the day after. Capri's Birthday party is Saturday. Oh, is it Valentine's Day too?
I better workout a lot because I just don't see next week going well.
Now, back to sewing a tote bag to give as a gift for the birthday party that we went to today.
This gift is so shows up fashionably late.

1 comment:

Chad, Mindy and girls said...

And WHY didn't you pull out that cookie pie or Chocoflan cake when I came by this week?!? I could have helped you take some of that off your hands ;) Don't worry...the weather will warm up, the holidays will be over, and we can walk together to get rid of that darn "post baby" weight!! Sound like a plan?