Sunday, August 31, 2008

6 Quirks

Ok it IS another tagging game, but I like them and think they are fun. So too bad!

1. I have a weird fear of losing something important from a great height. I am Not afraid of heights, I am just afraid that I might lose a glove from the ski lift or my camera down the unending hole in a cave or a my purse off of a roller coaster. I realize it is crazy, but I hold on to things and check where they are constantly when I am up high. And no it does not really matter if the thing was Really important or not, I just DO NOT want to lose it!

2. I have food issues. I think that things should be eaten a certain way and that Josh is crazy when he does it differently. I am working on it, but I still have to take a deep breath when we eat Chinese food and Josh eats the crunchy noodles and the rice BY THEMSELVES. Who does that? You are obviously supposed to mix the stuff together.

3. My feet need to be comfortable. I hate them being too hot or too cold, but I can't wear socks to bed. Also, I Hate wet socks. Which brings me to my next one

4. I hate to be half wet. I love to swim, but if I am going to be wet, I need to be all wet or all dry NOT half way. It drives me NUTS. Therefore I do not like doing dishes because I always end up with a wet shirt front. Yuck!

5. I hate cut hair. I usually tell the hair stylist to barely even dry my hair after it is cut because I will immediately go home and wash it again. I even sit away from the car seat because I might get some hair on it. Josh does not mind it at all, so I have to make him go shower too. The hair just gets everywhere and is itchy and sticky. Oooh I dislike it A LOT.

6. I am very forgetful. Josh thinks it is so strange that I can remember what I wore when we went somewhere but not what we did yesterday or the movie we watched last week. I know it is weird, but I can remember certain things so vividly, but only if they are completely random and unimportant. Go figure.

I tag : 1. Lacey 2. Mylee 3. Autumn 4. Misty 5. Jana 6. Cam (yea you!)

Friday, August 29, 2008

Who Said TV Isn't Active?

Rome kicking his piano while watching TV.
(I don't know why his clothes look wet, they aren't)
Look what I did today!

He has also decided he would rather do everything while I hold him. Just what I want to do all day long.

Monday, August 25, 2008

The Smoke Alarms REALLY Work

So, here is the story:
Rome has not been feeling very well since we got back from Tucson. I think he got a little cold. He is all stuffed up and spits up lots of gunk (not regular milky spit up). So, I talk to my friend and decide to put him in a steamy bathroom for a while to see if it helps. First, I get him ready for bed. I give him a bath and put on lotion and his pajamas. Then I turn on the shower, really hot, and sit in the bathroom and close the door. I am only in there for maybe a minute when I remember that I HATE saunas or steam showers or anything like that. So, I go out and ask Josh if HE could sit in there with Rome. He is a good husband, and says yes. So, they go in there and it is Really steamy. They sit in there for 10 minutes when Josh says they should come out. I go in and the poor little guy is soaked and has sweat pouring off his little head! I take him out, but when I do, I don't close the bathroom door behind me. Well, steam comes pouring out of the bathroom and sets off the smoke detector in front of the bathroom door. Then, it goes up to the top of our living room and sets that one off too. So, I am holding a wet, hot baby and the fire alarms are blaring. I am trying to cool him off and cover his ears and get somewhere that is not as loud, which is, ironically, in the bathroom. I turn on the fan by then and Josh is making his ear drums bleed while he tries to stand on a stool and push the little button to get the alarms to turn off. They keep turning back on, like five times. He even took out the battery, which made them freak out more. Finally, they stop going off and I can get Rome to go to sleep. However, when I was trying to help, I opened the back door and then forgot. About an hour later I ask Josh if he has seen any mosquitoes in our house and he says no, but I swear I just got bit. That is when I realize that I never closed the back door and we have been airing out the house, and letting everything in, for the last hour. Oh goody!
For next time, Josh thinks we should turn on the fan BEFORE we open the bathroom door. I think we should steam the baby BEFORE he takes a bath and puts on his pajamas. And we should NOT open the back door to let mosquitoes into our nice steamy house.
After all this happened, I told Josh that I owed him big. I tried to take him out to dinner this weekend, with a babysitter and everything. He got sick and we stayed home and ate pizza. So, things have just not been working out.
And, I don't think that the steam shower for the baby even helped.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Tucson Reunion

We took a trip to Tucson for a family reunion. Rome went on his first airplane flight and did very well! He was happy for the first leg and slept the second. We were very happy that he did not cry. We had a great time with the relatives from Italy and the rest of the crazy Perotti Clan. We had about 100 people show up to the reunion. Rome was very good there too. He cried at first when it was Really loud and then he was okay and visited with all of the relatives. There was even a waiting line to hold him. What can I say, He is popular already! We got to see the Rhaodes relatives too. Cousin Jeff even came down to visit. The next night we went out for sushi with our friends Matt and Becky Langseth. It was so good to see them! I got to visit with my friends from North Tucson too. Ahh, I love old friends! The trip home was a bit more stressful and unhappy because it was at night and Rome was tired and wanted to lay down and not be held on my lap. But, we made it home and are so glad to be back. It was a great trip and we are all Perotti'ed out for a little while!

Napping on the Airplane, Our Little Family at the Reunion

Rome doesn't like Uncle Steve, but Loves this guy (Odegard?)

Us with the relatives from Italy, Great-Grandma Perotti

Rome Loves Great-Grandpa Rhoades and Grandma Suzi

The Langseth's, Swimming in Grandma and Grandpa's pool

3 Months Old!

Yea, Rome is 3 Months old! He is soo big. He is such a happy baby. He is tickelish and has the cutest giggle! He loves to babble and to practice sitting up and standing. He is just starting to grab for things and very often chews on his hands. He thinks that blowing raspberries is very funny and tries to do it, but ends up blowing bubbles and drooling all day long. Josh taught him how to scream the other day and now he loves to scream at Daddy! So, I guess he is testing out his voice. I tried to get a video of him giggling and talking, but they are not very good. He likes to look at the camera and stop whatever he is doing. Oh well.

Not going to smile, Eating his fist

Okay maybe a little one, Reading a book

Posing with my teddy bear

This is him babbling a little, it is kind of quiet.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Birthday Weekend

August 1st was Josh's Birthday. His friend, Cory, came down to visit and they went on a fishing trip to Lake Powell. I hear that is was very hot and very fun. I took the opportunity to visit my family in Salt Lake. I was going to spend the whole weekend visiting friends, but decided to go on a backpacking trip with my parents and two brothers instead. (Crazy, I know) We had fun despite the hiking and rocks and dirt and mosquitoes and Dad's special "shortcuts". I keep wondering why I do things like this and then I realized that when I am with my family, I get a Big break from taking care of the baby. I love Rome, but I Love break time too! What a great family I have! Anyway, we made it back alive and I took Tyler home with me to spend some time in Colorado.

Super Birthday Cake; Josh, Cory and the Boat

We saw Cam Dance Friday night, so fun!


Tuckered out!