Friday, February 6, 2009

Love and Personality

I have read a couple of books that I absolutely loved and helped me to learn more about myself. I love doing that. They were the 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman and Positive Personality Profiles by Robert Rohm with the DISC personality traits. I found out that I am the touch love language, which Josh has had to learn, with spending time as a second. For personality I am mostly an S with some D tendencies (growing up in my family how could you not?) I am also very people oriented and not very business oriented, kind of the opposite from my parents. I really want to know what other people in my family are so that I can interact better with them. However, I really don't think they will see this, Or reply.
Anyway you can go Here for a free Love Languages assessment and Here to learn more about the DISC system (it is kind of like the colors but a little different).
Feel free to let me know. I am all ears.


ivyk said...

love the love language thing. a lot.

Cameron said...

I am a quality time, and i did not take enough time to figure the other one out